VitePress Configuration
VitePress provides wast set of configuration options
Some examples are provided below.
Home page
- Place logo and favicon in
folder and reference in/apps/wiki/.vitepress/config.ts
like this:
export default defineConfig({
title: "My Site",
description: "My Site",
head: [['link', { rel: 'icon', href: '/favicon.ico' }]],
themeConfig: {
logo: "/logo.png",
- Enhance home page by modifying and styling home page
layout: home
name: 'Bullshit Bingo'
tagline: Release the Energy to Focus on Business
src: ./logo.png
alt: Bullshit Bingo
- theme: brand
text: Introduction
link: /introduction/
- theme: alt
text: Guide
link: /guide/
- theme: alt
text: Features
link: /features/
- title: Why?
link: /introduction/vision
details: Create a vision, Understand the problem, Draw roadmap
- title: who?
link: /introduction/skills
details: Acknowledge skills, Develop Habits, Plan time
- title: How?
link: /introduction/design
details: Do the design right, Choose architecture, Keep high standards
# Why do we need yet another web application?
> We don't need yet another web application. We need time. Time to do things that are of high value to us. And if any of these things need a web application, this is the right place to start
### With the **Simplicity**, **Scalability**, and **Security** in mind
- "do you really need this" instead of "how you need this"
- only the bare minimum of traffic between user's device and server
- navigation guards on the firs line
### Built on the top of amazing technologies, connecting
- as enterprise as it can get [Oracle Data base](
- true open source community driven [Vue Ecosystem](
* Customize default theme styling by overriding CSS variables:
* Colors
* Each colors have exact same color scale system with 3 levels of solid
* colors with different brightness, and 1 soft color.
* - `XXX-1`: The most solid color used mainly for colored text. It must
* satisfy the contrast ratio against when used on top of `XXX-soft`.
* - `XXX-2`: The color used mainly for hover state of the button.
* - `XXX-3`: The color for solid background, such as bg color of the button.
* It must satisfy the contrast ratio with pure white (#ffffff) text on
* top of it.
* - `XXX-soft`: The color used for subtle background such as custom container
* or badges. It must satisfy the contrast ratio when putting `XXX-1` colors
* on top of it.
* The soft color must be semi transparent alpha channel. This is crucial
* because it allows adding multiple "soft" colors on top of each other
* to create a accent, such as when having inline code block inside
* custom containers.
* - `default`: The color used purely for subtle indication without any
* special meanings attached to it such as bg color for menu hover state.
* - `brand`: Used for primary brand colors, such as link text, button with
* brand theme, etc.
* - `tip`: Used to indicate useful information. The default theme uses the
* brand color for this by default.
* - `warning`: Used to indicate warning to the users. Used in custom
* container, badges, etc.
* - `danger`: Used to show error, or dangerous message to the users. Used
* in custom container, badges, etc.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
:root {
--vp-c-default-1: var(--vp-c-gray-1);
--vp-c-default-2: var(--vp-c-gray-2);
--vp-c-default-3: var(--vp-c-gray-3);
--vp-c-default-soft: var(--vp-c-gray-soft);
--vp-c-brand-1: var(--vp-c-indigo-1);
--vp-c-brand-2: var(--vp-c-indigo-2);
--vp-c-brand-3: var(--vp-c-indigo-3);
--vp-c-brand-soft: var(--vp-c-indigo-soft);
--vp-c-tip-1: var(--vp-c-brand-1);
--vp-c-tip-2: var(--vp-c-brand-2);
--vp-c-tip-3: var(--vp-c-brand-3);
--vp-c-tip-soft: var(--vp-c-brand-soft);
--vp-c-warning-1: var(--vp-c-yellow-1);
--vp-c-warning-2: var(--vp-c-yellow-2);
--vp-c-warning-3: var(--vp-c-yellow-3);
--vp-c-warning-soft: var(--vp-c-yellow-soft);
--vp-c-danger-1: var(--vp-c-red-1);
--vp-c-danger-2: var(--vp-c-red-2);
--vp-c-danger-3: var(--vp-c-red-3);
--vp-c-danger-soft: var(--vp-c-red-soft);
* Component: Button
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
:root {
--vp-button-brand-border: transparent;
--vp-button-brand-text: var(--vp-c-white);
--vp-button-brand-bg: var(--vp-c-brand-3);
--vp-button-brand-hover-border: transparent;
--vp-button-brand-hover-text: var(--vp-c-white);
--vp-button-brand-hover-bg: var(--vp-c-brand-2);
--vp-button-brand-active-border: transparent;
--vp-button-brand-active-text: var(--vp-c-white);
--vp-button-brand-active-bg: var(--vp-c-brand-1);
* Component: Home
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
:root {
--vp-home-hero-name-color: transparent;
--vp-home-hero-name-background: -webkit-linear-gradient(120deg, #8a8d93 30%, #9155fd);
--vp-home-hero-image-background-image: linear-gradient(-45deg, #8a8d93 50%, #9155fd 50%);
--vp-home-hero-image-filter: blur(56px);
@media (min-width: 640px) {
:root {
--vp-home-hero-image-filter: blur(56px);
@media (min-width: 960px) {
:root {
--vp-home-hero-image-filter: blur(68px);
* Component: Custom Block
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
:root {
--vp-custom-block-tip-border: transparent;
--vp-custom-block-tip-text: var(--vp-c-text-1);
--vp-custom-block-tip-bg: var(--vp-c-brand-soft);
--vp-custom-block-tip-code-bg: var(--vp-c-brand-soft);
* Component: Algolia
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
.DocSearch {
--docsearch-primary-color: var(--vp-c-brand-1) !important;
* Markdown IT Video
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
.embed-responsive-16by9 {
padding-top: 56.25%;
position: relative;
display: block;
.embed-responsive-item {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
border: 0px;
See more at VitePress - Default Theme Configuration.
Set top level navigation nav
and multilevel navigation sidebar
import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress'
export default defineConfig({
title: 'My site',
description: 'My site',
themeConfig: {
nav: [
{ text: 'My site', link: '' },
{ text: 'Apps', link: '' },
{ text: 'Introduction', link: '/introduction/introduction' },
{ text: 'Guide', link: '/guide/getting-started/getting-started' },
sidebar: {
'/introduction/': [
text: 'Why?',
items: [
{ text: 'Vision', link: '/introduction/vision' },
'/guide/': [
text: 'Wiki',
items: [
{ text: 'Setting up VitePress', link: '/guide/wiki/setting-up-vitepress' },
{ text: 'VitePress configuration', link: '/guide/wiki/vitepress-configuration' },
{ text: 'Custom markdown', link: '/guide/wiki/custom-markdown' },
socialLinks: [{ icon: 'github', link: '' }],
Local search
Local search can be enabled in /apps/wiki/.vitepress/config.ts
export default defineConfig({
title: "My site",
description: "My site",
themeConfig: {
search: {
provider: "local",