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Experimental features

Automated translation

Translation automation will involve following steps:

  1. Gathering of missing translations - using i18n Missing Handler and write in local storage
  2. Batch send missing translations to backend
  3. Process (translate with AI)
  4. Lazy load from back end processed translations as user navigates

Check i18n API of odb4bb.


  1. Add new api methods at @/api/index.ts
// ...
export type I18nData = {
  module: string
  locale: string
  key: string
  value: string
// ...
export const appApi = {
  // ...

  async getI18n(module: string, locale: string): Promise<HttpResponse<{ [key: string]: string }>> {
    return await http.get('i18n/', { module, locale })

  async setI18n(i18n: string): Promise<HttpResponse<void>> {
    return await'i18n_batch/', { i18n })
  1. Organize all features, a new store is created
import { defineStore, acceptHMRUpdate } from 'pinia'
import { appApi, type I18nData } from '@/api'

export const useI18nStore = defineStore('i18n', () => {
  let initialTranslations: I18nData[] = []
  try {
    const stored = localStorage.getItem('i18n')
    if (stored) initialTranslations = JSON.parse(stored)
  } catch {
    initialTranslations = []

  const translations = ref<I18nData[]>(initialTranslations)

    () => translations.value,
    (newData) => {
      try {
        localStorage.setItem('i18n', JSON.stringify(newData))
      } finally {
        // do nothing
    { deep: true },

  const i18n = useI18n()

  const addTranslation = (locale: string, key: string) => {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') return
    try {
      const route = useRoute()
      const module = route ? route.path.split('/')[1] : ''
      if (
          (t) => (t.module === module || t.module === '') && t.locale === locale && t.key === key,
      ) {
        const value = key
          .join(' ')
          .replace(/^./, (c) => c.toUpperCase())
        translations.value.push({ module, locale, key, value })
        console.log(`[i18n] Translation added`, module, locale, key, value)
    } catch (error) {
      console.warn(`[i18n] Failed to add translation`, locale, error)

  const loadedTranslations = new Set<string>()

  async function syncTranslations() {
    if (!translations) return
    const { error } = await appApi.setI18n(JSON.stringify(translations.value))
    if (error) console.warn('[i18n] Failed to sync translations', error.message)
    else {
      translations.value = []
      console.log('[i18n] Synced translations', translations.value)

  async function loadTranslations(path: string) {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') await syncTranslations()
    const module = path.split('/')[1] || ''
    const locale = i18n.locale.value
    if (loadedTranslations.has(`${module}:${locale}`)) return

    const { data } = await appApi.getI18n(module, locale)
    if (data) {
      const translationData = JSON.parse(data.i18n)
      if (translationData) {
        i18n.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, translationData[locale])
        if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')
          console.log('[i18n] Translations loaded', module, locale, translationData)

  const route = useRoute()

  interface LocaleChangeHandler {
    (newLocale: string, oldLocale: string): void

  watch(() => i18n.locale.value, (() => {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')
      console.log('[i18n] Locale changed', i18n.locale.value)
    if (route) loadTranslations(route.path)
  }) as LocaleChangeHandler)

  return {

if ( {,
  1. Add handler to @/plugins/i18n.ts to process missing translations
const i18n = createI18n({
  missing: (locale, key) => {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') return
    // @ts-ignore
    const i18nStore = useI18nStore()
    i18nStore.addTranslation(locale, key)
  1. Upgrade @/router/index.ts with the new lazy loading feature
// ...
router.beforeEach(async (to) => {
  // ...
  await useI18nStore().loadTranslations(to.path)
  // ...
// ...